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Friday, August 29, 2014




  • Mengelakkan osteoporosis + hipertensi + kanser kolon. Kita tidak akan mendapat vitamin tambahan + kalsium tanpa meminum susu
  • Meminum susu juga boleh melindungi kita dari kerosakan gigi + masalah kaviti. Kita harus memberi jaminan kepada anak2 tentang kerosakan gigi dengan menawarkan mereka segelas susu coklat. Tidak ada rekod kerosakan gigi kerana minum susu dengan perisa coklat
  • Lemak susu tidak memberi apa2 kesan kepada kegemukan sebaliknya terbukti bahawa mereka yang kerap minum susu menjadikan badan lebih langsing daripada mereka yang tidak mengambilnya. Susu memberikan kita banyak vitamin dan mineral untuk memastikan sentiasa sihat dan cergas
  • Susu adalah anti-asid yang sangat baik. Minum segelas susu apabila mengalami pedih ulu hati boleh menenangkan paip makanan dari keradangan. Minum susu tetap akan mencegah ulser perut dan masalah perut yang lain
  • Minum banyak susu dapat menghasilkan kekuatan pada tulang + gigi + kuku + rambut, kerana ia sarat dengan kalsium yang membantu badan menjadi kuat dan fleksibel
  • Susu boleh menjadi pembuka baik perut terutama jika lewat makan. Meminum susu juga boleh bertindak sebagai perangsang yang awal
  • Meminum segelas susu panas sebelum tidur dapat menenangkan saraf dan melonggarkan otot2 tegang supaya dapat memberi tidur yang lebih cepat. Cara ini dapat membantu selepas seharian penat bekerja
  • Minum susu boleh menyejukkan badan dan mengekalkan tahap air atau cecair dalam badan kita. Penggunaan susu selepas latihan berat badan boleh mengisi sistem dengan cecair badan yang hilang semasa senaman
  • Secara drastik susu juga dapat mengurangkan gejala PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) kerana ia merupakan pelega atau penenang tekanan yang hebat dan juga meningkatkan tahap tenaga dalam kita
  • Susu penuh dengan nutrien. Badan kita memerlukan nutiren untuk beroperasi dengan betul. Ia mengandungi vitamin (untuk sel-sel darah merah) + kalsium (untuk tulang yang kuat) + karbohidrat (tenaga) + magnesium (untuk lentur otot) + fosforus (untuk mengambil kesempatan tenaga) + kalium (baik untuk sistem saraf) + protein (untuk proses pertumbuhan dan penyembuhan) + riboflavin (untuk kulit sihat dan berseri) + zink (untuk meningkatkan sistem imun)


According to the National Dairy Council, milk is filled with nine essential nutrients that benefit our health:

Calcium: Builds healthy bones and teeth; maintains bone mass
Protein: Serves as a source of energy; builds/repairs muscle tissue
Potassium: Helps maintain a healthy blood pressure
Phosphorus: Helps strengthen bones and generate energy
Vitamin D: Helps maintain bones
Vitamin B12: Maintains healthy red blood cells and nerve tissue
Vitamin A: Maintains the immune system; helps maintain normal vision and skin
Riboflavin (B2): Converts food into energy
Niacin: Metabolizes sugars and fatty acids

In other words, milk packs quite a punch when it comes to nutrition—and you don't have to drink a gallon to reap the benefits, the National Dairy Council says. In fact, the council says that just one 8-ounce glass of milk provides the same amount of vitamin D you'd get from 3.5 ounces of cooked salmon, as much calcium as 2 1/4 cups of broccoli, as much potassium as a small banana, as much vitamin A as two baby carrots and as much phosphorus as a cup of kidney beans!

Milk and Disease

Ready for a shocking statistic? According to research led by professor Peter Elwood of Cardiff University, drinking milk can lessen the chances of dying from illnesses such as coronary heart disease and stroke by up to 15 to 20 percent.

This research—a systematic review of evidence from 324 published studies—is actually the first time that disease risk associated with drinking milk has been looked at in relation to deaths from those diseases.

However, there are conflicting studies that claim milk actually contributes to disease, specifically heart disease. What about them? "The fact that milk-drinking raises cholesterol is, for many people, proof that milk is a cause of heart disease," Elwood says. "But cholesterol is only one mechanism in heart disease. Blood pressure is another relevant mechanism, and milk-drinking is associated with a lower blood pressure. It is therefore totally unreasonable to base conclusions about milk and heart disease on the effect on cholesterol alone."

Heart disease isn't the only thing that can be affected by milk. Elwood says that analysis of large, long-term studies shows that milk and dairy consumption are associated with a small reduction in death from heart disease events, strokes, new cases of type 2 diabetes, colon cancer and possibly bladder cancer.

"As heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer are major sources of healthcare expenditure, any measure that is associated with a reduction in these diseases—however small that reduction is—is also bound to have an impact on healthcare costs," Elwood says.

How Much Milk?

To get the full benefits of milk, including the nine essential nutrients, the USDA says adults should consume three servings of milk (or cheese or yogurt) each day. A serving size is 1 cup of milk or yogurt, 1.5 ounces of natural cheese or 2 ounces of processed cheese. So, go ahead—drink your milk. It's good for you.

Thanks For Reading. Get me your feedback[s] below. :)

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